Definition of Lagging Indicator in HSE
Lagging indicators are end result indicators, while leading indicators are process indicators that will influence the final outcome indicator. Which is more important lagging indicator or leading indicator?
Lagging indicator talks about past data or past events. We can only accept what is past, we cannot fix it. Leading indicators talk about process indicators that will affect the lagging indicators we want.
Process will affect the results, so when we get process performance results, we can predict how many results we will get at the final result. If we feel that with the current process performance, it is predicted that the results will not be good, we can intervene in the process by improving it. So a leading indicator is an early warning of the final result.
The lagging indicator function is used as a measure to indicate progress based on compliance with HSE regulations. This measurement forms the basis for evaluating the general effectiveness of HSE performance and provides information on how many employees were injured and how badly they were.
In HSE, lagging indicator is HSE monitoring which is carried out in how and to what degree the level of occupational health and safety in a large job. However, all returned to work. However, signals or signs at the start of a job can be seen through leading indicators. However, all of them also return the final results to be able to conclude.
That is a little description of the meaning of lagging indicators that you should know. Everything is indispensable for processing in this regard, so monitoring data is indispensable for this type of work. Hope this is useful for you. And always prioritize occupational health and safety.
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